Freeschoolin' Flashback - Making An Apple Cake
There are so many subjects covered when baking a cake!
When Hope was 3 (she's 6 now) we found this awesome book called "Apple Cake: A Recipe For Love" that told the tale of a man who had fallen deeply in love with a lady who just didn't seem to notice him and his attempts to gently woo her.
Colourful and engaging illustrations take you through this heartwarming story and to the recipe that the book is centred around. We had no idea when we picked up the book from our local library that there would be a recipe, but when we discovered it we HAD to try it out!
It's a delicious cake with cinnamon flavours that permeate throughout our home when we bake one, which is often. It's a family favorite because it's so quick to whip up with ingredients we almost always have on hand.
The Recipe
Science, Math, Emotional Intelligence, Reading, Nutrition, Bonding, Story Telling, Time Recognition, Learning From Experience... I have a harder time figuring out what we don't learn from something simple like baking a cake, than what we do.
The Cake
We definitely recommend (this post is not sponsored) this book and this recipe and of course this awesome Freeschoolin' lifestyle where we all can say, "Life Is My School!" (Now Available On Amazon)
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Much love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy